Virtualisation has become such a buzz-word these days that we can’t help but come across it every other day. But does it have something to offer to your business too; something for small businesses? It sure does! And according to analysts, more and more Australian small businesses are going to adopt virtualisation in the years to come for the same reasons.

So, what exactly does a virtualised environment do for Sydney business? It obviously reduces the costs associated with IT management. And looking at how budget-strapped IT departments of small businesses are, we must say this is a pretty huge benefit. The benefit can be experienced almost immediately too, which is yet another benefit.

For example, if your company wants to have three new servers implemented in a virtualised environment, it doesn’t have to purchase three physical servers, set them up and take care of all routine maintenance. The virtual servers can be provisioned on whatever virtualisation platform your company is using, and it can all be done in a jiffy (if you’re to compare it to the time it would take to do the same thing in a traditional, non-virtualised environment). And of course, there’s the added advantage of reduced costs too! To put a long story short, your business will be able to save money on hardware and software.

Cost savings can also be realized in other areas such as software licensing, ongoing maintenance and server power and cooling. Just think; if you do not have physical servers running on site, the costs associated with powering and cooling of those servers are essentially outsourced. Plus, virtualisation also reduces or even eliminates (hurray!) the need for physical maintenance of servers so the time and cost involved in maintenance is reduced as well. And even if there’s maintenance to be done, it can be managed far more efficiently in a virtualized environment. Things like deploying security updates can be done more efficiently in a virtualised environment and do you know what that means?  Your staff members will have more time to focus on other projects!

Server and Desktop Virtualisation really has a lot to offer, doesn’t it? If you believe so (or if we’ve just been successful in convincing you), it’s time you joined the virtualisation bandwagon too!

Speak with STS today.  We are your Sydney server virtualisation specialists.