Don’t laugh, many across the nation have replaced their beloved teddy bear with their smartphone.

According to a Canadian communications corporation, many are becoming more attached to their smartphones with more than half reporting to the Toronto Star that they sleep with their device beside them.

We have all heard the phrase “I feel naked without my cell phone”, this was another comment that the Toronto Star observed in their article from Dec 2012.

Reade Barber, VP Mobile and Fixed Internet for Rogers Communications was quoted in the Star article saying “Consumers are absolutely passionate about their online connections. And, that’s only expected to increase as technology advances.”

I wonder how many of you are reading this on your smartphone right now?

Smartphones are becoming increasingly important assets to small and large companies today. Once reserved exclusively for executives, almost every employee in the largest corporations to the smallest businesses around the country now carries an iPhone, Android device, Windows Phones and even BlackBerries. Many are opting to bring their own devices to the office, presenting new challenges for business owners looking to secure mobile devices.

For many business professionals, their smartphone is their corporate life line and for many it is the last thing they check before hitting the sack and the first thing they look at when they get up in the morning.

Are you one of these professionals who check their email bright and early before having that first morning cup of coffee?

As your trusted IT consulting professionals, we can help ensure the integrity of your business data is not compromised by staff using mobile devices. Our “Bring Your Own Device” service makes sure corporate assets are protected while allowing your staff the flexibility to do their work.

Call us today for a no obligation discussion on how we can help ensure your smartphones are secure and all your data is protected.