Australia cybersecurityRecently there has been no shortage of IT security stories impacting small business globally. Evernote, Twitter and others are now forcing business owners to take a second look at their security and what the risks are to their business.

As a trusted team of IT consultants to many businesses across the region, we run across many of the same challenges. Whether it is oversight, ignorance, neglect or even user error, we see the same issues across many businesses, large and small.

Following Security Protocols – The alarm system protecting your home is no good to you if you leave your front door open. Human error is the weakest link with corporate IT security. Social engineering, phishing attacks, poor passwords and lack of login management are some of the top reasons why a business can fall victim to a security compromise. User training on how to spot potential security threats can stop user related security issues.

Zero IT Security Strategy – Many businesses often band-aid or patch work their network as they grow. Business owners who see technology as a strategic investment know the importance of having the correct IT systems in place and this includes security systems. A sound IT security strategy is a must for large and small business.

Outdated IT equipment – All technology in your business must be kept up to date. Computers, laptops, routers and any other piece of technology on your network can be compromised by a hacker if not kept up to date. Recent vulnerabilities with UPnP and other networking protocols leave the front door open for hackers. Unpatched systems and servers are also a huge target for hackers looking to exploit security vulnerabilities.

Mobile Devices – Almost all businesses today are using mobile solutions in virtually every department and most staff members have access to corporate information on their own or company owned smartphone or iPad. These mobile devices must be included in your company security strategy.

Backup and Recovery – Can your company recover if the smallest amount of date goes missing? Your company data is one of the most important assets your business has. Accounting information, inventory, customer records and other business information is essential to your business health. Your business needs to have a robust backup solution but more importantly, you need a robust solution allowing for complete recovery if a disaster occurs.

Don’t wait for a disaster or security attack to hit your business before you do something about it. Our IT security experts are here to help your business prevent security attacks and social engineering. Let us help your business put a security plan in place to ensure your company information is safe and secure.