IT Security ConsultingKevin Priddle frequently writes articles for the “IT in Canada” website.  Kevin is a respected leader in the Canadian IT landscape. This week when we stumbled upon Kevin’s interview with Kaspersky Lab’s VP Canadian Sales, Kevin Krempulec, we paid attention to what they see happening with Information Technology in 2013.

Priddle reports that IT security continues to be one of the top concerns for business leaders. Every day we hear about data loss from stolen systems, compromised IT security systems and simple user error. In 2013, small to large companies must pay attention to the threats that exist and learn how to secure their organisations.

Krempulec agrees that security is the number one concern for business. He also states that mobile device management will move from the whiteboard to planned project status in 2013 as business starts to realize the vulnerabilities with smartphones, tablets and other mobile solutions.

Additionally in 2013, rolling out server hardware continues to fade away as businesses of all sizes turn to virtual server environments to increase operational efficiencies and provide additional IT cost savings. The other question facing business owners is what to do with the traditional desktop computer? Virtual Desktops will also gain momentum in 2013 along with the rise of mobile computing.

When asked what security practice CTOs and IT managers should quit in 2013, Krempulec recommends that internal IT staff and their outsourced IT consulting firms have the entire team onboard when it comes to corporate IT security. Working it alone is over, IT involves all departments now from HR to Legal.

Krempulec also recommends that business professionals don’t assume that the latest and greatest smartphone or tablet application is secure. Mobile malware is growing at an exponential rate, especially on the Android platform. The Android app market is not locked down and any application can appear legitimate only to leave you vulnerable to a security breach or theft of personal information.

A good habit for all smartphone, tablet and regular computer users is to keep your system up to date by ensuring all patches are run and your technology is kept up to date. This goes for Apple, Windows and Android users.

And when it comes to cloud computing, business must combine onsite IT security solutions with cloud-based security services to ensure all levels of your corporate IT network is secure and free from potential threats.

Do you have questions about your IT security? Our team of IT and computer security specialists are here to help you by ensuring onsite computer networks and your cloud services are as secure as possible.

Call us today to book your no obligation IT security review with our team.