Supercharge Productivity & Change the Way You Work with Microsoft Lists

For as long as we can remember, we’ve been helping professional teams work smarter with Microsoft applications and solutions. In today’s increasingly virtual business environment, Microsoft Office 365 has centralised all the tools and applications that professionals have come to rely on. One of our new favorites is Microsoft Lists and it began rolling out to Office 365 users this summer.

Microsoft Lists is included in Office 365 subscriptions as a totally-free add-on and we’ve seen firsthand the way this user-oriented solution actively saves time and creates a more efficient and streamlined working experience for professional teams in all industries. Perhaps the thing we love most about Microsoft is their commitment to continually developing new and dynamic solutions that help optimise productivity and simplify work habits.

As a team of experienced IT professionals, Microsoft solutions are constantly in the arsenal of tools we recommend and deploy to help organisations change their approach to business. So, with more and more of our clients looking to reduce operational costs and improve the way their teams get work done, we decided it was about time to create an informative guide on what Microsoft Lists is all about and how it can help professional teams in every industry can optimise their approach to getting work done.

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If you really think about it, lists have always been an invaluable tool for professionals. Whether you’re making a to-do list for a specific project, a shopping list for supplies, a list of questions or agenda items for a meeting, or just a list of important notes and reminders, chances are you’ve relied on this method of organising information countless times before.

But our guess is that trying to manage all your different lists can be frustrating. Especially in today’s ever-changing and fast-paced business environment, trying to manage tasks and stay productive can be a real challenge. Where’s that Post-It with your latest to-do list or the shopping list you tore from your notepad earlier in the week? Sometimes you’ve probably found yourself needing a list to keep track of your lists! Luckily, the days of scrambling to keep track of your on-paper lists are over. Thanks to streamlined and dynamic solutions like Microsoft Lists, the frustration of pen-and-paper productivity tracking can be happily relegated to the past.

Microsoft Lists is a comprehensive list-keeping and data-tracking tool that allows you to centralise all your different lists in one dynamic and easy-to-use hub. Microsoft Lists is designed specifically as an organisational tool that helps professionals stay on top of their workload and personal administration. Even better? In true Microsoft style, the application is designed to be a familiar and user-friendly productivity powerhouse.

Microsoft Lists Benefits – Organisation Via Customisation & Optimisation

Microsoft Lists was built with organisation and customisation in mind, meaning users can create list platforms and formats that are custom-tailored to suit work habits and personal preferences. This means you can create lists to help you manage all the different clients, projects, and tasks that you’re responsible for and track progress from a centralised location. There are countless ways that Microsoft Lists will change the way you work, but let’s explore a few of the key productivity benefits below.

Customised Set Up 

One of the biggest benefits of the Microsoft Lists infrastructure is the optimal capacity for customisation. The application is designed so that you can choose from and even create list templates that are customised to suit your needs for different projects or tasks.

You can customise your list format by choosing between different view options including gallery, grid, calendar, or other customisable formats. This way, depending on the task or project at hand, you can customise and optimise the way you organise list information and track progress.

Seamless Integration & Collaboration Potential 

Another great benefit of Microsoft Lists is the fact that it is set-up to be fully integrated with other Microsoft applications. As mentioned, Microsoft Lists is a completely free add-on that comes built-in to Microsoft Office 365. This means that Lists can be fully integrated with all other Microsoft applications, adding an additional layer of centralisation and optimisation to your workflow.

Specifically, Lists integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams, which has become the virtual hub for many organisations conducting teamwork virtually. This means you can create specific lists for different departments, or projects, and sync them easily with Teams so team members can always access important information and track progress from one place. This allows for real-time collaboration and less wasted time spent switching between apps and trying to share information.

Powerful Automation Options 

Living up to the Microsoft reputation, the Lists application is also fully equipped with a variety of powerful automation tools that are designed to streamline the way you work and make your life easier at every turn. Similar to Excel, you can create rules and automations for your customised list templates – even automation tools that send updates and reminders to coworkers via email directly from the Lists app.

You’re also able to build entirely customised productivity apps using Lists as the data source. This means, when you make use of all the automation potential that Lists is equipped with, you can customise your workflow and streamline your approach to project management from start to finish.

Microsoft Lists Features: Built-In Tools To Change the Way You Work

The backbone of any productivity application is the collection of tools and features that are built-in to optimise and organise the way you work. When it comes to Microsoft Lists, there are a few key tools and features that will have you throwing your post-it notes out the window for good. No matter the industry you’re in or the type of work you do, these Microsoft Lists features will seriously change the way you work.

Issue Tracker 

The Issue Tracker allows you to track, manage, and complete tasks and projects with precision. You can easily set priorities within specific issues and you can continually stay on top of progress from start to finish. The Issue Tracker also makes it possible for you to keep your teammates productive and on track by sending notifications whenever a new issue is assigned to them.

Event Itinerary 

Easily centralise and organise noteworthy event details in Lists so that every event and meeting runs smoothly. Lists include options for storing and tracking speaker names and contact information, event start and end times, agendas, room capacities, and more. Put simply, the Event Itinerary in Microsoft Lists is a fully-streamlined and optimised event planner that fits on your smartphone.

Onboarding Checklist 

Microsoft Lists is your secret weapon for bringing new employees or team members into the fold flawlessly. The application is designed to help you manage new employee onboarding and position new employees for success during their first few weeks at work. Rely on the Onboarding Checklist to help guide new team members through relevant information and resources.

Asset Manager

Microsoft Lists isn’t just about better organising the people in your organisation – it can also be an invaluable tool for managing and keeping track of physical assets and equipment that your team relies on. Keep tabs on who is in possession of different assets, which assets are in need of or out for repair, and even schedule check-out schedules for important, commonly used assets.

Regardless of your industry or the size of your team, Microsoft Lists is another to add to the long list of Microsoft applications designed to simplify and optimise the way you work. If your organisation needs a hand positioning Microsoft Lists for optimal integration and productivity, reach out to a team of IT professionals for consultation and support. Microsoft Lists can give you a hand up in terms of staying on top of it all, which means it’s time to ditch your notepad and embrace the information tracking potential that could only come from an IT veteran like Microsoft.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Teams and how to optimise it? We’d love to help. Give us a call anytime at (02) 8212 4722, drop us a line at [email protected], or visit our website at to chat with a live agent and book a consultation.