Cloud security specialistsWe are only a few days/months/years away from the scenario when all companies, both small and large will relinquish their internal data servers and transfer their data to the cloud servers. Transferring all data to cloud will be the only smart decision for businesses in future as it will allow them to store their valuable information for a minimum cost and also save millions of dollars as they won’t have to buy and install expensive hardware. Hence, it is certain that those gigantic data servers will become obsolete very soon.

However, shifting critical information such as client details and passwords to a new place is always very risky. If the information is leaked to your competitors, it will be devastating for your business. Also, you might have to face penalties from authority for negligence in handling data. This is why; you have to be careful when you will be switching to cloud servers for data storage.

While moving and storing your information to cloud, you can’t only depend on your firewall. You will need to make sure that the cloud security platforms are based the intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) which is working in compliance with the standard rule and regulation. Such defense mechanism is really helpful as they can indentify threats which firewalls can’t even detect. You should also determine your normal traffic limit and enable to your server to identify any access or abnormal traffic. If your data is being accessed or hacked by outsiders, the server will recognize it and also block it.

In an ideal cloud server, your data should be kept in a dedicated virtual local area network or VLAN where no other data can enter. This is a great way to protect your data from contamination & corruption. The cloud server should also have an application-consistent backup or restoration service where the server can take point-in-time snapshots of your data. This is a faster and more reliable way to restore your data in case of any accident. Also make sure that your cloud server is maintained by trained professionals and your employees are also trained so that they can use it without any problems.

If you keep these issues in mind, you will have no problem in moving and keeping your data in cloud servers.

Your team of cloud IT professionals are here to ensure that all of your business information is safe, secure and accessible in the cloud.  We are your trusted cloud services provider and will ensure that all of your business information when stored in the cloud is setup professionally and has all your security concerns addressed.