Wireless NetworkingCome January 1, 2015, wireless microphones will need to adapt to a change in radio wave frequencies suitable to them. The Australian Communications and Media Authority is strongly urging community organizations, business and establishments, and even places of worship to check their wireless microphones now to see if they can still be used after the end of this year.

Wireless microphones that use radio waves in the 694-820 megahertz (MHz) range will no longer be allowed starting January. Some radio waves will be used for new 4G mobile broadband services including smartphones, tablets, and USB modems. Wireless microphones currently using radio waves in the range will need major changes. This means checking your device to see which radio waves it uses. You can see radio waves in use in your area by logging on to www.wirelessmicrophones.gov.au.

Since 2012, ACMA has been pushing awareness out into the community. Even popular television presenter, Shelley Craft, has extended help by being in a video for awareness circulating now.

YouTube video

“It’s encouraging that many community and business groups have already re-tuned their devices to use different radio waves or have decided to upgrade their equipment,” says ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.

She adds that their fact sheets and online resources have already helped groups understand how they can prepare for the coming change.

To quote the video, Craft smartly says, “No matter what your business is or what community you belong to, life is too busy to be slowed down when you least expect it.”

Have questions about wireless networking for your Sydney business?  Give us a call at Sydney Technology Solutions.  We are here to support your business wireless networks and we can help with all business IT.  Call us (02) 8212 4722 or email us today at [email protected].