outsourced IT services

Outsourced IT Services for business throughout Sydney

Today’s business depends heavily on its technology resources. This dependence creates a serious need to strategically and cost effectively manage, maintain and maximise those resources. Sydney Technology Solutions’ Care increases a client’s return on its technology investment by meeting that need.

Outsourcing ongoing technology resource management has become a popular business practise for a variety of reasons. Outsourcing key operational functions, like information technology, provides access to industry expertise at a lower cost and nearly eliminates the cost of technical training. This practice also ensures maximum capital utilisation, increases employee productivity and lends expert consultation on the latest business technology trends. But most important, outsourcing is an effective way to improve profitability.

Every outsourced information technology management program should include these key components:

  • A comprehensive business and technology assessment which provides an overview of current and future needs and creates a strategic technology vision.
  • A carefully documented stabilisation plan to guide the early stages of the outsourcing program.
  • Regularly scheduled maintenance and support to maintain a stable and productive computing environment and reduce downtime.
  • Remote support capabilities to enable faster response and speed to resolution of infrastructure issues.
  • Help Desk assistance for users from operating system support to connectivity issues for maximum productivity.
  • Expert support for a wide range of one time technology projects.
  • An effective process for tracking return on investment, evaluating progress, documenting challenges and developing a plan to achieve technology goals.

Assessment Services

Each Sydney Technology Solutions’ Care relationship is preceded by a comprehensive network assessment. This service provides a detailed roadmap of a business‚ computing environment and outlines areas where strategic implementation of information technology can most profoundly improve the business as a whole. The assessment identifies technology issues requiring immediate attention and determines the amount of ongoing maintenance and support necessary to optimise the infrastructure to best support the organisation’s needs.

The service also cites:

  • Opportunities for increased efficiencies and operational improvements.
  • Network security weaknesses and recommended solutions.

Stabilization Services

The beginning of a Sydney Technology Solutions’ Care client engagement often requires some level of technology environment stabilisation. Sydney Technology Solutions’ Stabilisation Services are designed to transition a client from a break/fix method of technology management to a predictable level of service and financial investment.

Stabilisation Services run in parallel with Sydney Technology Solutions’ Care and include:

  • Operating system upgrades.
  • Updates to virus definitions.
  • Application of service packs.
  • Defragmentation of desktops and servers.

Once these stabilisation activities are completed, Sydney Technology Solutions delivers a checklist to be followed during scheduled Sydney Technology Solutions’ Care visits, provides initial estimates for any recommended projects and conducts a Strategic Business Review summarising the results of the relationship after the first 60 days.

Help Desk Services

The Sydney Technology Solutions’ Help Desk provides technical support, problem troubleshooting and issue escalation services.

  • The Help Desk provides prompt user support for desktop operating systems, office productivity applications and basic connectivity issues.
  • Technical experts, state-of-the-art problem resolution tools and comprehensive documentation facilitate user productivity.

Remote Management Services

In addition to regularly scheduled On-site Services, Sydney Technology Solutions provides Remote Management Services. While not a replacement for all on-site support, this service is a cost-effective method for managing critical network elements.

Sydney Technology Solutions delivers three different remote services:

  • Remote network monitoring allows Sydney Technology Solutions to anticipate and quickly resolve network issues before they become major problems.
  • Remote desktop and remote server support reduces downtime and speeds issue resolution.

Strategic Business Review

To help clients maximise return on investment and achieve their technology goals and objectives, Sydney Technology Solutions provides a Strategic Business Review. This review evaluates the progress within the client’s technology environment and the associated costs and benefits.

The review provides:

  • An overview of the current environment.
  • An outline of services and projects delivered.
  • A detailed list of issues and challenges.
  • Strategic plans and recommendations for network additions and upgrades.
  • Business technology goals and objectives for the next quarter.

On-site Services

On-site Services are designed to document, maintain and optimise every client’s IT infrastructure. The services are delivered on a regularly scheduled basis and range from virus detection and extraction to computer and network troubleshooting.

On-site Services include:

  • Maintenance of systems and network documentation to record proper configuration.
  • Hardware and software installation,configuration and upgrades.
  • Desktop and laptop support.
  • Data protection, back up and recovery.
  • Internet and email connectivity and configuration.
  • Technology vendor co-ordination.
  • Wireless and Wide Area Network expertise.
  • Creation and maintenance of the network guidebook.

STS has the capability of providing On-site Services in the following countries:

  • Australia (AUS)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • Fiji
  • United States of America (USA)
  • United Kingdom (UK)

Project Planning & Implementation

There are a wide range of special technology needs and projects that fall outside the scope of standard ongoing maintenance and support. Sydney Technology Solutions’ neutral approach to hardware and software and its negotiated discounts with key suppliers ensures that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Projects may include:

  • Planning for and management of technology resources during facility moves.
  • Strategic planning for business growth and technology changes.
  • Network and technology facility design.
  • Disaster preparedness planning.
  • Establishment of computer usage policies.
  • Documentation of software license compliance.
  • Asset inventory and management.
  • New product evaluation services.

To learn more about our outsourced IT services to businesses across Sydney and NSW call (02) 8212 4722 or email us at [email protected].