Sometimes finding what you are looking for when performing an online search seems impossible, but remember, it is not. With these three unbelievably simple tips, you can certainly find what you are looking for:

  • Keep it simple. The first unbelievably simple tip for getting accurate results is simple, keep the keywords simple. Use only a few words or phrases, make sure they are good enough and you are bound to get relevant results.
  • Learn about Boolean: You have probably already done this. Using terms like “and,” “not” and “or” in your online searches to include or exclude the terms you are looking for can get you better results. Don’t forget to do some math. You can use pluses or minuses and you can even use quotation marks. For example, if you would like get a particular term in your search results, you can simply type a “ ” before and after the term while conducting the search. For excluding the term, you will have to keep a “-“ before the unwanted term.
  • Be precise: Being precise is a sure-fire way to find what you are looking for. Don’t use broad phrases or you will end up with thousands of results which are not even close to what you are trying to find. Instead, use quotation marks for the exact phrase you are looking for.

So, the next time you are performing an online search, keep in mind these three simple tips and find what you are looking for in an instant.

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