What Is “The Cloud” and Why Does It Matter?

Nearly every business owner has most likely heard terms such as “the cloud”, “cloud computing”, “public cloud”, “private cloud”, and “hybrid cloud”. The cloud is a popular idea; in fact, experts predict that public cloud spending alone will hit nearly $500 billion by the year 2023. However, do you know exactly what the cloud is and how it can help you save money, boost employee morale, protect your invaluable business data, and empower you to reach your long-term business goals? If not, it’s time to get acquainted with the cloud and all it has to offer.

What Is _The Cloud_ and Why Does It Matter_

What is “The Cloud”?

The cloud is essentially an enormous collection of servers. Companies running these servers rent out a certain amount of storage space to businesses and individuals. You can pay for as much (or as little) space as you’d like. Your online storage is password-protected so no one can access it without your knowledge; at the same time, it’s easily accessible as you can log onto your account from work, home, or while out and about.

There are also cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) apps that allow you to type messages, create reports, share and edit documents, create presentations, and much more without having to install software programs on your device. Common SaaS platforms include Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, and Google Apps. You pay a license fee every year; what’s more, there are plans in various price points to ensure you only pay for the apps you need at any given point in time.

Public, Private, and Hybrid: What’s the Difference?

There are public, private, and hybrid cloud services. Following is a general overview of each type for your consideration:

  • A public cloud service rents out cloud storage space to multiple customers. The data can be accessed via the internet but you can create a password to limit the number of people who can view it.
  • A private cloud is a cloud storage site that only contains your data and can only be accessed via your company network. It’s more secure than a public cloud but also more expensive.
  • A hybrid cloud storage setup is a combination of both cloud storage options. Some companies use both private and public cloud storage sites to keep sensitive data secure while allowing some information to be shared with employees or even clients.

What Can the Cloud Do for Your Business?

The cloud offers great benefits to any business in any industry.

Saving Money

Would you like to avoid having to upgrade your IT hardware because you need more storage space? Files stored on the cloud won’t take up space on your systems, enabling you to save money on IT expenses.

Ease of Collaboration

The cloud makes it easy for remote workers and contractors to partner with your staff members in the office to get work done quickly and efficiently. It also helps you collaborate with suppliers and business partners even if you are working with people in a different city, state, or country.

High Security Standards

Cloud service providers make it a point to hire the best IT cybersecurity experts and invest heavily in keeping their platforms secure. Generally speaking, cloud servers are far more secure than those in the average business office.

Data Preservation

Cloud storage makes it easy for you to back up files in real-time. If a natural disaster, IT hardware crash, or malware attack hits, you can use your stored data to keep business operations running smoothly while you restore your systems in the office.

Leverage the Cloud With Sydney Technology Solutions

Sydney Technology Solutions is a leading IT managed service provider in the Sydney area. We specialize in helping companies leverage the cloud and all it has to offer by providing cloud migration planning and transition services, cloud support, and cloud back-up system creation. We also offer other essential IT services such as cybersecurity services, IT monitoring, IT consulting, business telephone services, computer repair, and data cabling services. Get in touch with us to learn more about our customised cloud solutions or to make an appointment with our team of IT experts.