One thing is certain, Sydney is full of great IT professionals.

STS’ IT support team is the cream of the crop. We’ve put many of the industry’s top IT support professionals into the areas top IT support teams, focused on working for you.

What are the benefits of having a team of IT support professionals?

The answer is quite simple. Our IT support teams are assembled with knowledgeable team members, ready to take care of your IT needs. When a staff member is on vacation, the remaining members of the team can take over, ensuring your company always has someone available to help you.

Our IT support teams are often available around-the-clock, or by calling into our help desk. You will always have someone who can take care of you. No more leaving a message and hoping your IT guy calls back. The STS IT Support Teams are available to help you.

Our IT support teams work together to make sure all of your IT needs are taken care of. No more revolving door of technician after technician. Our dedicated IT team works together, allowing your employees to get to know everyone on the team.

Why would you trust your IT services to just a single IT tech?

STS’ has the perfect solution. Work with IT support teams. Your organisation can have a team of highly-skilled and expert IT professionals working with you.