The wait for Windows 8 comes to an end
The wait for Windows 8 comes to an end
Microsoft has finally announced that it is going to launch its much awaited operating system Windows 8, along with its new tablet offering, Surface RT. Microsoft has finally confirmed that it will launch Windows 8 in New York City on Oct. 25, 2012. It will be available for purchase on Oct. 26. Microsoft remains mum...
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Is Your Business Really Safe Online?
Is Your Business Really Safe Online?
The issue of safety among Internet users has always been a great concern. Ever since people started keeping their private and confidential information in servers, they have faced constant problems with data loss, corruption and above all data theft or hacking. Now that technology has moved to a new dimension and everyone is keeping their...
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Getting used to the new features of Windows 8
Getting used to the new features of Windows 8
Windows 8 is Microsoft’s most modified operating system to date. Many people say that the changes are so drastic that common users might have problems when they install it on their computers.  The biggest concern about this version is that it was developed with tablet PCs in mind. Using it on a desktop could disorient...
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Australia To Lower GST Threshold
Australia To Lower GST Threshold
Online shopping is a practice will continue to increase. It provides a level of convenience that most people appreciate. It also allows people to shop for products and services from anywhere in the world as easily as they can from businesses in their own neighborhoods. But goods purchased from foreign countries are, naturally, treated differently...
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